From experts for experts
As a nurse you work with many different types of technologies every day - always keeping an eye on the patient's safety. We understand your needs and can support you with our knowledge. We invite you to attend our trainings, lectures or e-learning courses. Profit from our experience.
Interested in a training at your facility?
From experts for experts
As a nurse you work with many different types of technologies every day - always keeping an eye on the patient's safety. We understand your needs and can support you with our knowledge. We invite you to attend our trainings, lectures or e-learning courses. Profit from our experience.
Interested in a training at your facility?

Educational resources for OR specialists

Profit from specialized training resources

  • Erbe+ Academy
    Video course

    This course explains the smoke evacuation system IES 3, its intended use, the instruments and accessories and all that is important for a correct use.

  • Erbe+ Academy
    Classroom training

    Die Elektrochirurgie, auch HF-Chirurgie genannt, gehört zu den Standardtechniken im Operationssaal. Die Anwendung des Stroms zur Koagulation und zum Schneiden ist in der Regel intuitiv und leicht erlernbar. Dennoch sind mehrere Regeln zur Sicherheit des Patienten zu berücksichtigen.

  • Classroom training
    1 day

    Werkendam (Netherlands) - De training is bedoeld voor operatieassistenten die geïnteresseerd zijn in een intensieve, diepgaande gebruikerscursus. Cursisten hebben de mogelijkheid om hun eigen ervaringen in te brengen.

Educational resources on endoscopy

Profit from specialized training resources

  • Erbe+ Academy
    Video course
    15 min

    The endoCUT® from Erbe is an advanced electrosurgical mode for endoscopic cutting. In this video you will learn how it works and how endoCUT® can help you overcome some of the typical technical difficulties in various endoscopic procedures.

  • Erbe+ Academy
    25 min

    In today’s episode our Clinical Application Manager Dr. Niklas Froemmel is talking to Dr. Erik Hysinger, Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

  • Erbe+ Academy
    18 min

    Guest speaker Dr. Erik Hysinger, Children are not little adults - insights from the practice of a pediatric bronchoscopist.

  • Erbe+ Academy
    30 min

    Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial cryo-nodal biopsy: a novel approach for mediastinal lymph node sampling.

  • Erbe+ Academy
    17 min

    Transbronchial needle aspiration combined with cryobiopsy in the diagnosis of mediastinal diseases: a multicentre, open-label, randomised trial.

  • Erbe+ Academy
    35 min

    Guestspeakers: Dr. Troy is a respiratory specialist at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney (Australia). Prof. Poletti is head of the Department of Respiratory and Chest Diseases at the Ospedale G.B. Morgagni in Forli (Italy).

  • Erbe+ Academy
    Classroom training

    Die Elektrochirurgie, auch HF-Chirurgie genannt, ermöglicht zahlreiche Anwendungen in der flexiblen Endoskopie. Die Anwendung des Stroms zur Koagulation und zum Schneiden ist in der Regel intuitiv und leicht erlernbar. Dennoch sind mehrere Regeln zur Sicherheit des Patienten zu berücksichtigen.

  • Classroom training
    1 day

    Werkendam (Netherlands) - De training is bedoeld voor operatieassistenten die geïnteresseerd zijn in een intensieve, diepgaande gebruikerscursus. Cursisten hebben de mogelijkheid om hun eigen ervaringen in te brengen.

  • Classroom training
    4 hours

    Werkendam (Netherlands) - Deze training is speciaal voor endoscopieverpleegkundigen en gastro-enterologen die dagelijks werken met de VIO®/APC of het GI-werkstation. De nadruk ligt op praktische training over de VIO®/APC-apparatuur en de bedienings- en toepassingsmogelijkheden.

Understanding the functional principles

Learn how the technologies work - and what is important to use them safely.

  • Erbe+ Academy
    Interactive e-Learning
    3 hours

    In this course, you will learn how electrosurgery works and how the device settings affect the tissue effect. You will learn which steps are necessary to effectively avoid hazards and how to quickly find and correct the causes of possible malfunctions.

  • Erbe+ Academy
    Interactive e-Learning
    3 hours

    In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie die Elektrochirurgie funktioniert und wie sich die Geräteeinstellungen auf den Gewebeeffekt auswirken. Sie lernen, welche Schritte notwendig sind, um Gefährdungen effektiv zu vermeiden und wie Sie die Ursachen möglicher Funktionsstörungen schnell finden und beheben können.

  • Erbe+ Academy
    Interactive e-Learning
    3 hours

    En este curso aprenderá cómo funciona la electrocirugía y cómo afectan los ajustes del aparato al efecto tisular. Aprenderá qué pasos son necesarios para evitar eficazmente los peligros y cómo encontrar y corregir rápidamente las causas de posibles fallos de funcionamiento.