This course explains the smoke evacuation system IES 3, its intended use, the instruments and accessories and all that is important for a correct use.
From experts for experts
As a nurse you work with many different types of technologies every day - always keeping an eye on the patient's safety. We understand your needs and can support you with our knowledge. We invite you to attend our trainings, lectures or e-learning courses. Profit from our experience.
Interested in a training at your facility?From experts for experts
As a nurse you work with many different types of technologies every day - always keeping an eye on the patient's safety. We understand your needs and can support you with our knowledge. We invite you to attend our trainings, lectures or e-learning courses. Profit from our experience.
Educational resources for OR specialists
Profit from specialized training resources
- Video courseVisit the course page: EN
- Classroom training
Die Elektrochirurgie, auch HF-Chirurgie genannt, gehört zu den Standardtechniken im Operationssaal. Die Anwendung des Stroms zur Koagulation und zum Schneiden ist in der Regel intuitiv und leicht erlernbar. Dennoch sind mehrere Regeln zur Sicherheit des Patienten zu berücksichtigen.
Visit the course page: DE - Classroom training1 day
Werkendam (Netherlands) - De training is bedoeld voor operatieassistenten die geïnteresseerd zijn in een intensieve, diepgaande gebruikerscursus. Cursisten hebben de mogelijkheid om hun eigen ervaringen in te brengen.
Visit the course page: NL