From experts for experts
Biomedical engineers
As a medical engineer beside others you are in charge of maintaining a wide variety of technologies. You need to know how things work and how to for instance distinguish a technical problem from incorrect use. Sometimes this can be quite difficult and require a good understanding of the functional principles. Let us help you understand our technologies from first hand and get practical tips from our experts.
Interested in a training at your facility?
From experts for experts
Biomedical engineers
As a medical engineer beside others you are in charge of maintaining a wide variety of technologies. You need to know how things work and how to for instance distinguish a technical problem from incorrect use. Sometimes this can be quite difficult and require a good understanding of the functional principles. Let us help you understand our technologies from first hand and get practical tips from our experts.
Interested in a training at your facility?

Understanding the functional principles

Learn how the technologies work - and what is important to use them safely

  • Video course

    Our setup videos will help you set up, configure and mount our devices and instruments.

  • Erbe+ Academy
    Interactive e-Learning
    3 hours

    In this course, you will learn how electrosurgery works and how the device settings affect the tissue effect. You will learn which steps are necessary to effectively avoid hazards and how to quickly find and correct the causes of possible malfunctions.

  • Erbe+ Academy
    Interactive e-Learning
    3 hours

    In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie die Elektrochirurgie funktioniert und wie sich die Geräteeinstellungen auf den Gewebeeffekt auswirken. Sie lernen, welche Schritte notwendig sind, um Gefährdungen effektiv zu vermeiden und wie Sie die Ursachen möglicher Funktionsstörungen schnell finden und beheben können.

  • Erbe+ Academy
    Interactive e-Learning
    3 hours

    En este curso aprenderá cómo funciona la electrocirugía y cómo afectan los ajustes del aparato al efecto tisular. Aprenderá qué pasos son necesarios para evitar eficazmente los peligros y cómo encontrar y corregir rápidamente las causas de posibles fallos de funcionamiento.